OnLine Generator Reliability Inspection Program (online-GRIP®)
Typical 1-Day Assessment (Performed While the Generator is in Operation)
Inspection/Tests Performed:
• Partial Discharge Analysis (PDA): Perform periodic online partial
discharge data acquisition and analysis, utilizing IRIS Power TGA-B
instrumentation on generators fitted with compatible 80pF Epoxy Mica
Capacitors (EMC's).
• Rotor Flux Analysis (RFA): Perform periodic on-line rotor flux data
acquisition and analysis, utilizing IRIS Power FAll instrumentation
on generators fitted with an IRIS Power TGProbe or compatible flux
• Electromagnetic Signature Analysis (EMSA): Perform periodic
electromagnetic signature data acquisition and analysis of generators,
Iso Phase Bus (IPB), transformers, AC electric motors, cables,
switchgear, and other electrical system components, utilizing nexGEN
exclusive EMSA equipment and software.
• Provides meaningful information with respect to the specific types of
issues and their probable locations so that outage work scopes can
be better detailed.
• Provides the ability to prioritize the maintenance needs and scheduled
more effective plant assets outages as needed.
Provides the ability to catch and address issues at earlier stages and
avoid more costly repairs.
Final Report:
• Standardized format provided electronically (CD or electronic mail).
Photographs of critical areas as accessible.
Summary of all suspected findings and associated recommendations
for their remediation.
A Wide Variety of Defects in Generators, AC Electric Motors, and Other System Component can be Detected:
• Stator Winding Ground Wall Insulation Degradation
• Loose Stator Windings
• Semi-Conductive and Stress Gradient System
• Deterioration
• Stator Winding Contamination
• Rotor Winding Turn-to-Turn Shorting
• Shaft Oil Seal Rubs
• Defective Bearing
• Insulation
• Shaft Grounding and Shaft Current Issues
• Arcing Commutators
• Collector Rings
• Slip Rings
• Defective Brushless
• Exciter Diodes and Fuses
• Loose Breaker Connections
• Loose, Broken, and Contaminated Support Insulators
• and More…
Any Anomalies Reported Immediately, with the Final Report Submitted within 10-Days.