Generator Rotor Rewind Capabilities:
- All generator rotor rewinds are performed following the nexGEN Project Management System, which includes Daily Customer Status Reports and running Gantt Chart schedules.
- All generator rotor components are subjected to intensive testing, NDE examinations, and mechanical inspections.
- Complete reverse-engineering capabilities.
- Comprehensive in-house design capabilities providing for the repair or replacement of all critical component parts.
- Offering 18Mn18Cr retaining ring replacement and in-place balance capabilities in conjunction with all rewinds.
- Final electrical testing, including Flux Probe, conducted at actual running speed and operating conditions.

- Competitive pricing while offering a quick turnaround.
- Highest quality materials and workmanship performed in a clean room environment.
- Turn-key with nexGEN providing all transportation, engineering, materials, manufacturing, and production services.
- Final project report in standardized format provided electronically (CD or electronic mail).
- Complete photographic documentation of all project processes provided for historical reference.
- All certifications, NDE reports, test and inspection documentation included.